HINTS AND WARNINGS 1) Some confusion is possible regarding hyperparameter values because they can be looked at in three ways: as standard deviations (widths), as variances (squares of the standard deviations), and as precisions (inverse variances). In particular, note that although the priors for hyperparameters are described in terms of Gamma distributions for the precisions, their scale is specified in the net-spec and model-spec commands in terms of the corresponding standard deviations. 2) When there is a single output unit, a specification of the form "w:a:b" for the hidden-to-output weights is mathematically equivalent to one of the form "w:a::b". The two specifications differ computationally, however. In the "w:a:b" form, lower-level hyperparameters that each control a single weight are explicitly represented; with "w:a::b", equivalent hyperparameters exist mathematically, but are not represented explicitly. The "w:a:b" form is probably to be preferred, since explicit hyperparameters are of assistance to the heuristic procedure that chooses stepsizes for the dynamical updates. 3) If the system crashes in the middle of a run of 'net-mc', one can usually continue from the last iteration written to the log file by just invoking 'net-mc' again with the same arguments (just as one can continue for more iterations after 'net-mc' terminates normally). Problems could arise if the system crashed in the middle of writing the records pertaining to an iteration, in which case some fixup using 'log-copy' may be required. Such problems could come either from a partial record at the end of the log file, or from a less-than-complete set of full records. It is best to assess the situation using 'log-records' before proceeding.