Rather than classify items with a neural network or Gaussian process
model for the conditional distribution of the class given inputs, we
can instead model the joint distribution of the inputs and the class,
from which we can then derive the conditional distribution of the
class given the inputs.  Here, this is done using a Dirichlet
diffusion tree model for the joint distribution.  One advantage of
this approach is that unlabelled data (with the class missing) can be
used to help learn the classifier.

The data is the same as that used for the example of modeling a
bivariate density (see Ex-mixdft-r.doc), except that we now also look
at the 0/1 indicator of which component each data point was generated
from, which was previously ignored.  The full data file (in ex-mixdft)
can be used to create a training set of 500 cases in which only the
last 10 cases have class labels, as follows:

    > head -500 rdata | sed "1,490s/.\$/?/" >rdata.t

Don't worry if this is gibberish to you - all that matters is the
final result, in which the first 490 cases have the class indicator
replaced by "?", which indicates a missing value.

The following specifications set up a Dirichlet diffusion tree model
for the two inputs and the class (all regarded as "targets" for this

    > dft-spec   rblog.dft 0 3 / 0.5:0.5:0.5 0.01:0.5 - 0.01:0.5
    > model-spec rblog.dft real 0.1 last-binary
    > data-spec  rblog.dft 0 3 / rdata.t@1:500 .

Note that "last-binary" option of model-spec.  This says that although
the targets are generally real-valued, the very last target is binary.

We can now sample from the posterior distribution for the tree and the
parameters of the model as follows:

    > mc-spec    rblog.dft repeat 15 gibbs-latent slice-positions \
                                     met-terminals gibbs-sigmas slice-div
    > dft-mc     rblog.dft 1000

This takes about 45 minutes on the system used (see Ex-system.doc).

We can use iterations from the end of this run to evaluate the
predictive density for some new vector of targets.  In order to make a
prediction for the class of some test case in which only the two
real-valued targets are known, we need to evaluate the predictive
density for the test case with 0 filled in for the class and for the
test case with 1 filled in for the class.  Two files of test cases
(the last 500 in rdata) with the actual classes replaced by 0 and by 1
can be created as follows (again, don't worry if the details don't
make sense to you):

    > tail -500 rdata | sed "1,\$s/.\$/0/" >rdata.0
    > tail -500 rdata | sed "1,\$s/.\$/1/" >rdata.1

The following commands find the log probability densities for these
test cases, based on every fifth iteration after iteration 400 from
the log file:

    > dft-pred pb rblog.dft 405:%5 / rdata.0 . >rdata.lp0
    > dft-pred pb rblog.dft 405:%5 / rdata.1 . >rdata.lp1

The following commands convert the log probability densities into
probability densities:

    > sed "s/e/E/" <rdata.lp0 | sed "s/.*/calc \"Exp(&)\"/" \
        | bash | sed "s/ */p0=/" >rdata.up0
    > sed "s/e/E/" <rdata.lp1 | sed "s/.*/calc \"Exp(&)\"/" \
        | bash | sed "s/ */p1=/" >rdata.up1

The ratio of the probability density of a test case with the class set
to 1 to the probability density of the same test case with the class
set to 0 can be used to find the conditional probability of class 1,
as follows:

    > combine rdata.up0 rdata.up1 | sed "s/.*/calc & \"p1\\/(p0+p1)\"/" \
        | bash >rdata.p1

The final result, in the file rdata.p1, is the predictive probability
of class 1 for each of the 500 test cases.  If we now guess that the
class is 1 if this probability is greater than 0.5, the resulting
error rate is 2.6%.  This is much better than we would be likely to
achieve with any method that looks only at the 10 training cases for
which the class is known.