FLOW-SPEC:  Specify flow model.

The flow-spec program is used to specify the type and parameters of
the flow model to use, or in some cases the prior for parameters.  It
can also display the specifications stored in a log file.


    flow-spec log-file type { parameter }


    flow-spec log-file

The first form above appends flow specifications to the log file named
(which must already exist, see src-spec.doc).  The second form
displays the flow specifications in the log file named.

When specifying the flow model, the second argument gives the type of
model.  Further arguments may follow, giving parameters of the model.  

Only two test models are current implemented, as described below.

Steady-state test flow model.

This analytically-tractable model is meant primarily for testing the
MCMC algorithms.  It is specified as follows:

    test lowU[:highU] ay by az bz

This model is for a steady-state flow, in which time plays no role.
It assumes a steady wind of speed U in the direction of the negative x
axis.  The wind speed has a uniform prior between lowU and highU.  If
highU is omitted, it is assumed to be equal to lowU, and hence U has a
fixed value.  The other parameters, ay, by, az, and bz, must be

This flow model is determined by the following formulas:

    C^* (xs, ys, zs | xr, yr, zr)  =  0 if xs <= xr, otherwise

       (1/U) * Gaussian(ys-yr,sy(xs-xr))
             * (Gaussian(zs-zr,sz(xs-xr)) + Gaussian(zs+zr,sz(xs-xr))


    Gaussian(d,s) = (1/sqrt(2*pi)) (1/s) exp(-d^2/(2*s^2))


    sy(dx) = ay * dx / sqrt(1+by*dx)
    sz(dx) = az * dx / sqrt(1+bz*dx)

Start-stop test flow model.

This model is a slight variation on the test model above, designed to
test the software's handling of sources that start at some time, and
may stop at some later time.  It is specified in the same way, apart
from the model name:

    test-start-stop lowU[:highU] ay by az bz

This model assumes that there is no spreading in the x direction over
time, so that the plume from a source will have sharp edges
corresponding to its start and stop times.  This (unrealistic)
assumption leads to the following modification of the formula above,
which implicitly integrates over the duration of the source (from
start to stop):

    C^* (xs, ys, zs | xr, yr, zr, tr)  =  0,

       if xs <= xr or tr - (xs-xr)/U < start or tr - (xs-xr)/U > stop, 
       otherwise it equals

       (1/U) * Gaussian(ys-yr,sy(xs-xr))
             * (Gaussian(zs-zr,sz(xs-xr)) + Gaussian(zs+zr,sz(xs-xr))

            Copyright (c) 2007 by Radford M. Neal