Here I will illustrate some of the dangers of Markov chain sampling by
showing how even a rather simple distribution can pose problems, which
may not be obvious from simple plots.  This example also illustrates
how the adaptive nature of slice sampling can help prevent disaster.

Specifying a "funnel" distribution.

Here is the specification for the distribution in this example:

    > dist-spec flog \
        "v~Normal(0,3^2)     + x1~Normal(0,Exp(v)) \
       + x2~Normal(0,Exp(v)) + x3~Normal(0,Exp(v)) \
       + x4~Normal(0,Exp(v)) + x5~Normal(0,Exp(v)) \
       + x6~Normal(0,Exp(v)) + x7~Normal(0,Exp(v)) \
       + x8~Normal(0,Exp(v)) + x9~Normal(0,Exp(v))"

(A "\" just indicates that the command is continued on the next line.)

There are ten variables above: "v" and "x1" to "x9".  The distribution
of v is normal with mean zero and standard deviation 3.  Given v, the
other variables are independent, and each has mean zero and variance
of Exp(v).  This can be pictured as a funnel - with v large at the
mouth of the funnel, getting smaller as the funnel narrows - except
that a cross section of the funnel has nine dimensions rather than the
two of the funnels found in kitchens.

It is of course possible to sample from this distribution directly, by
simply sampling for v, and then sampling for each of x1 to x9 given
this value for v, obtaining independent points from exactly the
correct distribution.  And even without doing this, we know what the
marginal distribution of v should be - just Normal(0,3^2), since the
dependency of x1 to x9 on v doesn't influence the distribution of v
itself.  It's precisely this ease of finding the right answer that
makes this an interesting test problem for the Markov chain methods.
The idea is to pretend that we don't already know the answer, and then
compare what we would conclude using the Markov chain method to what
we know is actually correct.

The dist-spec command above will be assumed to have been issued before
the commands discussed below, except that various log file names other
than "flog" will be used.

Specifying an initial state.

We'll have to start sampling in some initial state.  By default, the
state where all variables have the value zero is used, but we'll
assume here that a different initial state was specified using the
following command:

    > dist-initial flog v=0 x1=1 x2=1 x3=1 x4=1 x5=1 x6=1 x7=1 x8=1 x9=1

The point specified is typical of the distribution, since zero is the
median value for v, and v=0 corresponds to the variances of x1 to x9
being one, so that values of 1 for these variables are of typical
magnitude given this value for v.

Multivariate Metropolis updates.

As we did for the "ring" distribution (see Ex-dist-g.doc), we'll start
by trying to sample from this distribution using the Metropolis
algorithm, with proposals that change all variables simultaneously.
Using normally-distributed proposals centred on the current state,
with standard deviation of 1, seems like a plausible approach.  We can
specify this sampling method with mc-spec as follows:

    > mc-spec flog.met,1 repeat 10000 metropolis 1

The "repeat" above specifies that each iteration will consist of 10000
Metropolis updates.  The following command does 2000 such iterations,
for a total of 20 million Metropolis updates altogether:

    > dist-mc flog.met,1 2000

The state at the end of each iteration (ie, after each group of 10000
Metropolis updates) is saved in the log file.

Once this command has finished (which, like the other runs here, takes
about 30 seconds on the system described in Ex-test-system.doc), we
can produce a scatterplot from the points obtained, in order to see the
relationship of x1 to v:

    > dist-plt x1 v flog.met,1 | plot-points

Here, plot-points is assumed to be a suitable plotting program.  The
"funnel" or "fan" shape should be visible in this plot.

We can look at how v varies from iteration to iteration with a plot
such as:

    > dist-plt t v flog.met,1 | plot-points

Exactly what you will see in this plot may depend on the machine you
run the programs on, due to possible differences in the random number
generator or in the details of floating-point arithmetic.  You can try
different random number seeds if you want to investigate the
possibilities (see rand-seed.doc).  However, it is likely that you
will see a plot in which the values of v at different times appear to
be almost independent, from which you might well conclude that the
Metropolis updates had converged to the right distribution, and moved
around it quite well.

But in fact, the answer obtained is very wrong.  You will probably see
few or no values for v less than -4, even though over 9% of the points
from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 3 should
be less than this.  You're even less likely to see any values for v
less than -6, even though 2.3% of the points should be below this

What you're probably seeing is therefore a "nightmare scenario" for
MCMC methods - a seriously wrong answer, with no apparent indication
that anything is amiss.  However, there is a chance that you will see
something that might warn you of the problem.  Now and then, the
Markov chain simulated above will "stick" at a low value of v (near
-4), due to rejections, and this sometimes lasts long enough for it to
be obvious in the plot.  Even if it's not obvious, if you are
suspicious enough to look closely, it's quite likely that you'll be
able to see such consecutive iterations where "v" has not changed.
The following plot is also revealing:

    > dist-plt t r flog.met,1 | plot-points

This shows that even though the average rejection rate for the
Metropolis updates is a fairly reasonable 80% (ie, 20% are accepted),
there are extended periods of time when the rejection rate is very
close to 100%.  A final confirmation of what's going on can be
obtained by looking at the relationship of the rejection rate over the
10000 Metropolis updates in an iteration with the value of v at the
end of the iteration:

    > dist-plt v r flog.met,1 | plot-points

This will show that the rejection rate tends to be high when v is

This is not surprising, at least in hindsight.  When v is -4, the
standard deviation of each of x1 to x9 (given this value of v) is
Exp(-4/2) = 0.135.  The chances that a Metropolis proposal with a
standard deviation of one for x1 to x9 will lie in the region of high
probability for x1 to x9 given v=-4 is very low (on the order of
0.135^9, which is about 1.5e-8).  The value of v also changes in a
Metropolis proposal, so this doesn't give the exact acceptance rate,
but it is nevertheless clear that the acceptance rate will be very low
when v is -4 or less, since the stepsize of one is too large for this
region.  Since the Metropolis updates leave the right distribution
invariant, it follows that the chain must only rarely move to points
were v is this small - since otherwise it would spend too much time

Single-variable Metropolis updates.

Perhaps Metropolis updates that change only one variable at a time
will work better, since such updates will not suffer from the
extremely small acceptance probabilities that can result when the
proposals are too wide in many dimensions.

We can try this out using commands similar to those above, but with
the mc-spec command changed as follows:

    > mc-spec flog.met1,1 repeat 1300 met-1 1

The "met-1" operation does a single-variable Metropolis update for
each variable in turn (v and x1 to x9).  To make the comparison fair,
the number of repetitions has been reduced from 10000 to 1300, so that
the computation time per iteration is about the same as before.

As before, we can check how well the chain is moving around by
examining plots such as the following:

    > dist-plt t v flog.met1,1 | plot-points

Exactly what you will see may once again depend on what machine you
run the programs on, but you should see values for v that extend
downward much further than before, perhaps down to about -10.  The
single-variable updates do seem to avoid the problem encountered

Unfortunately, the answer may still be wrong.  You will probably see
that for long stretches of time (many hundreds of iterations, perhaps
the entire run), the chain does not produce any values for v that are
greater than 7.  But almost 1% of points from a normal distribution
with mean zero and standard deviation 3 ought to be greater than 7,
about 20 points in the run of 2000 iterations.  Indeed, you'll
probably see about that many values for v less than -7 in the opposite
(symmetrical) tail of the distribution.

However, if you are lucky, you may see about the right number of
values for v greater than 7.  Once in a while, the chain enters the
region where v is this large, and then stays there for dozens of
iterations (ie, for tens of thousands of Metropolis updates).  As in
the explanation of the previous problem, since the chain stays a long
time in this region once it gets there, it must enter this region only
rarely, if it is to produce the right answer asymptotically.  In any
particular run, even one this long (2000 iterations, 2.6 million
"met-1" operations, 26 million single-variable updates), there is a
fairly large chance that this region will never be entered, in which
case the answer will be wrong without the plot showing any signs of

Why does the chain stay a long time in the region where v is large
once it gets there?  The problem is the opposite version of that seen
before - the stepsize of one is too small.  When v is 7 or more, the
standard deviation of each of x1 to x9 is Exp(7/2) = 33 or larger.
Exploring the distribution of x1 to x9 given such a value for v by a
random walk with stepsize one is inefficient, and in particular, for a
long time, x1 to x9 can remain set to values that are incompatible
with a smaller value for v.  The problem is less noticeable for the
multivariate proposals above, since then all of x1 to x9 are changed
simultaneously, and the typical distance moved is Sqrt(9) = 3, which
leads to exploration that is 9 times faster.

Metropolis with random randomly-chosen stepsizes.

Since the problems above are due to the stepsize chosen being either
too big or too small given the current value of v, we might hope to do
better by not chosing a single stepsize, but instead picking a
stepsize randomly for each update, from some distribution.  

The following command does this, for multivariate Metropolis updates:

    > mc-spec flog.metv,1 repeat 10000 metropolis 1:-6

The the stepsize specification of 1:-6 means that the stepsize is
chosen randomly, with a median of 1, spread out uniformly over 6
orders of magnitude.  That is, the log base 10 of the stepsize is
uniformly distributed from -3 to +3.

After running this chain for 2000 iterations, we can look at how well
v is being sampled:

    > dist-plt t v flog.metv,1 | plot-points

The results are better than for multivariate Metropolis with a fixed
stepsize of one.  Values for v down to about -6 are sampled reasonably
well.  However, values smaller than -6 are sampled inefficiently, and
might not appear at all in a run of this length if you are unlucky.

Although random stepsize selection helps somewhat when the necessary
stepsize varies, it's hard to be sure that the range of stepsizes is
large enough to cover the necessary values without making the range so
large that the sampling becomes very inefficient simply because most
stepsizes chosen are ridiculously large or small.

Single-variable slice sampling.

One advantage of single-variable slice sampling is that the initial
interval can be expanded until it contains the entire slice using the
"stepping-out" or "doubling" procedures, and conversely, the interval
can be shrunk when the point selected from it is found to be outside
the slice.  The result is that the interval size adapts to the current
situation, without the inefficiency of randomly selecting stepsizes as
in the example of the previous section.

Single-variable slice sampling (with an initial interval size of one)
can be specified as follows:

    > mc-spec flog.slc1,1 repeat 120 slice-1 1

The repetition count of 120 is set much lower than for the Metropolis
updates so that the computation time per iteration will be roughly the
same.  (Slice sampling may require evaluating the energy function at
many points in order to expand and contract the interval.)

After running the slice sampling chain for 2000 iterations, we can see
how well it did with a plot of v over time, as before:

    > dist-plt t v flog.slc1,1 | plot-points

The results this time appear good, with both tails being sampled well.
Points where v is greater than 9 and where v is less than -9 are
probably visible.  Out of 2000 points from a normal distribution with
mean zero and standard deviation 3, an average of 2.7 should be above
9, and similarly for the lower tail.

Multivariate slice sampling.

We can also try sampling using multivariate slice sampling, in which a
hyperrectangle containing the slice replaces the interval used in
single-variable slice sampling.  The simplest scheme such scheme, in
which the hyperrectangle is shrunk in all directions when the point
found is outside the slice, can be specified as follows:

    > mc-spec flog.slc,1 repeat 4000 slice 1

As before, the repetition count is chosen to make the computation time
per iteration approximately the same as for the other methods.  Note
that the software currently does not support expansion of the initial
hyperrectangle, so the hypercube of length one per side that is
created initially with this specification can only shrink, not expand.

This method does much better than the multivariate Metropolis method
at sampling small values of v (though it perhaps still has problems
for v less than -8), but it does not sample well for v greater than 6.
This is not surprising, since variables can change by no more than one
in each update, which will be inefficient when v is large.  This
problem can be reduced by making the stepsize larger (eg, "slice 10"),
but at the cost of somewhat greater computation time per update. It
seems that for this problem single-variable updates work better.