Once you have installed the software, as described in Install.doc, you
can start using it to fit models to data and make predictions.  See
Overview.doc for an overview of the facilities provided.  Here, I
describe how you should go about running the programs, and accessing
the documentation on them.

Reading the documentation.

You'll need to read the documentation on the various commands, and
you'll probably also want to look at the tutorial examples.  These are
in the directory 'doc'.  The source for the documentation is in the
various .doc files, which are text files that can be read directly.

Files in 'doc'of the form 'Release.YYYY-MM-DD.doc' contain information
on current and past releases.  These may be of interest if you are
upgrading from an older version of the software.

The documentation is most conveniently accessed via a web browser,
starting with the file 'index.html' in the 'doc' directory.  The
various .doc files have .html versions (already created, by using
make-html), which are linked to from index.html.

Doing stuff by running programs.

The software is designed to be usable interactively by typing commands
to run the various programs to the Unix/Linux shell.  These programs
may create or modify files that hold the results.  You will usually
want to create a directory for each project you are working on, and
change to that directory before issuing these commands, so that the
files pertaining to that project will be separate.

Since I've gotten e-mail from people who were quite confused by the
simplicity of this concept, let me say again: YOU USE THE SOFTWARE BY
master program that you run and type commands to - or to put it
another way, that master program is the Unix command interpreter (the

If you're doing serious work, you will probably want to create Unix
command files holding the commands that do your data analysis, so that
you won't forget what you did.  Interactively invoking programs is
still very useful, for things like producing plots to monitor whether
an MCMC run is sampling well.


Some of the programs produce numeric output meant to be plotted
(though one can also just look at the numbers).  Various plotting
programs could be used to do this.  One can, for example, save the
output to a file, then plot it with statistical software such as R.

For interactive use, however, it is most convenient to use the 'graph'
program from my version of the GNU 'plotutils' package, which is
available at, since it allows the
output of a plotting command to be piped into the 'graph' program in a
command typed to the shell.  It is best to use the 'graph' program
with the "-n" option to enable the new set of defaults.  The '-ly'
option for 'graph' is often useful to get logarithmic plots, and the
'-p' option to get point plots rather than line plots ('-p1' for
smaller points).

See Ex-intro.doc for more information.

Setting up to run the programs.

Once you have successfully compiled the programs, you should put the
'bin-fbm' directory (within the main directory for this software) in
your search path (the PATH environment variable).  How this is done
depends on the shell program you are using.  For the commonly-used
'bash' shell, you might put the command

    export PATH=<path-to-where-you-put-fbm>/bin-fbm:$PATH

in the .bashrc or .profile file in your home directory.

Once this is done, you can run the versions of the programs you last
compiled by just invoking the program by name (eg, net-spec).  This
runs the version of the program that runs on the CPU.  To run the GPU
version, you should invoke the program in the bin-gpu directory rather
than the bin-fbm directory - this is most easily done as described
below.  You may have compiled versions for both "flt" and "dbl"
precisions by running make-all more than once with these arguments.
The programs for each explicitly-specified precision are copied to (or
linked to) in the bin-flt, bin-dbl, bin-flt-gpu, and bin-dbl-gpu

The "using" script (in bin-fbm) allows the programs for a particular
precision, and optionally for the GPU, to be run easily.  Assuming
that the bin-fbm directory is in your PATH, you can run a particular
verion of a program as illustrated below:

    using dbl-gpu net-mc log 100

This runs the version of net-mc compiled to use double-precision
arithmetic on a GPU (with "log" and "100" as its arguments).  The
program run may be a shell script, which then runs several programs,
for all of which the specified version will be used.

Controlling programs using environment variables.

Some aspects of program behaviour can be controlled by setting
environment variables, as follows:

    INFO       If this is set to any value other than "false", 
               "FALSE", or "0", some information on the CPU
               and GPU configuration will be displayed by some

    MAXBLKS    May be used to control the maximum number of GPU
               thread blocks in a GPU kernel launch.  Reducing
               it from the default of 500 may help if your GPU
               runs out of memory (perhaps if you are running 
               several program instances in parallel).

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES  May be set to the number of the GPU
                          to be used.  Useful only if you have 
                          more than one GPU.  Default is "0".

These environment variables may be set for a session with the shell
"export" (bash) or "setenv" (csh) command, or set for just a single
command as illustrated below:

    INFO=1 net-mc log 100


    INFO=1 using dbl-gpu net-mc log 100


    INFO=1 using flt my-shell-script

where my-shell-script contains various commands.