MOL-DISPLAY:  Print state of molecular system.

Mol-display prints the coordinates of the molecules in the system.


    mol-display [ -s | -l ] log-file [ index ]

If no index is specified, the state in the last iteration stored in
the log file is displayed.  

If -l isn't specified, the display consists of one line for each
molecule, giving its coordinates (as many as the dimensionality of the
system, from mol-spec).  The coordinates are wrapped to the interval
[0,len), where len is the length of each dimension.  Note that the
actual stored values are in the form scaled to [0,1).

If the -s option is given, len/2 is added to each coordinate before
wrapping.  This may be useful when looking at structures that would
otherwise be split by the arbitrary wrapping boundary.

The -l option is allowed only for the NPT ensemble.  If it is
specified, the output is a single number giving the length of each
dimension.  Note that the actual value in the MCMC state corresponding
to this is the log of the length.

            Copyright (c) 1995-2004 by Radford M. Neal