XXX-STEPSIZES: Display and evaluate stepsizes used for dynamics. There is a version of this program for each 'mc' application (eg, net-stepsizes). These programs display the stepsizes selected by the application-specific module linked with the 'mc' modules, along with the "optimal" stepsizes that would be selected on the basis of the second derivatives of the energy, which are computed by differences using the application-specific procedure for computing the gradient of the energy. These programs are meant primarily for use in debugging, but they might occasionally be useful in checking whether the heuristic choice of stepsizes has worked well in a particular situation. Usage: xxx-stepsizes log-file index [ delta ] Here 'xxx' is a prefix identifying the particular incarnation of this program. The stepsizes are computed for the state stored with the specified index in the log file. If a delta is given, the stepsizes that would be selected based on the second derivatives at that point are also displayed, the second derivatives being found by differences of first derivatives, using the given delta. The 'dist' module uses a specialized stepsizes program that also allows stepsizes to be set. See dist-stepsizes.doc for details. Copyright (c) 1995-2004 by Radford M. Neal